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news & headlines

We are working on the new Project ....

Welding workshop for 16 students

DT/NDT Laboratory

CNC Manufacturing workshop for 16 students

3 Electric laboratories (Green Energy, Wiring and Drives, A/C and refrigeration)

More details soon...


Opening ceremony of Serang VTC our latest project

On 18 September 2023 official Inauguration Ceremony of School Operation, Vocational Training Center Serang was held by Madam Minister of Manpowet Dr. Hj. Ida Fauziyah.

Austrian side was represented by H.E. Dr. Thomas Loidl, Austrian Ambassador in Jakarta and Ing. Mag. Sigmund Nemeti Commercial Counsellor from ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Indonesia.

They are writing about our project ... 

Vocational Training Center Serang in SCHWEISS- UND PRÜFTECHNIK magazine by Österreichische Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik

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